After being absent for four years, this year the BAKABA art exhibition was held again with the title NOISE.

After being absent for four years, this year the BAKABA art exhibition was held again with the title NOISE.
NOISE is the title chosen to respond to the current state of the world, both in terms of social, political, cultural, and artistic aspects to be seen through the perspective of artists which is manifested in the form of works of art.
This exhibition is attended by 92 artists who are the members of the Sakato Community. Some of which include our very own artists, such as; Rudi Hendriatno, Stevan Sixcio, Dicky Prasetyo, Jumaldi Alfi, Anagard, Ricky Wahyudi, Antoni Eka Putra and Indra Dodi.
The exhibition displays approximately 110 works of art in the form of paintings, sculptures, murals and art installations. Place: Sarang Building II
Jl. Ambarbinangun 1, Kalipakis, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Open every day from 10.00-20.00 WIB